‘Reading the Stars’ at Austin Public Library-Hampton Branch

What a fun night last night at the Will Hampton Branch Library! Their ‘Reading the Stars’ event was filled with space themed cookies, hot cocoa, a reading of “Cassandra and the Night Sky” with my mom- the illustrator- joining the event, astronomers from the Austin Astronomical Society, and the Austin Nature and Science Center‘s Starlab. What a great way to bring some ‘light’ to the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice!
Right when everyone got quiet and I looked out on the crowd, I realized how many people were trying to fit into the room at once and listen to the story! It was the largest group of people I have ever read to! It was exciting and humbling. After we listened to the story, kids made constellation scopes out of the characters from the story. They could choose Cygnus, Cassandra (Cassiopeia), Scorpius or the Teapot (Sagittarius). I hope they are inspired to go outside at night, look up at the stars, and wonder!